Lecture 01 - MIS IN Business Today

  • How information systems are transforming business
  • Globalization opportunities

  • Information Technology Capital Investment

  • In the emerging, fully digital firm
  • Digital firms offer greater flexibility in organization and management

  • Growing interdependence between ability to use information technology and ability to implement corporate strategies and achieve corporate goals
  • Business firms invest heavily in information systems to achieve six strategic business objectives:
    1. Operational excellence 
    2. New products, services, and business models 
    3. Customer and supplier intimacy 
    4. Improved decision making 
    5. Competitive advantage 
    6. Survival
  • The Interdependence Between Organizations and Information Technology
  • Information system 
  • Information vs. data
  • Activities of information systems
    1. Input
    2. Processing
    3. Output
    4. Feedback to refine Input
  • Computer/Computer program vs. information system
  • Functions of an Information System
  • Information Systems Are More Than Computers
  • Organizational dimension of information systems
    • Hierarchy of authority, responsibility
      • Senior management
      • Middle management
      • Operational management
      • Knowledge workers
      • Data workers
      • Production or service workers

Lecture 01 - MIS IN Business Today Lecture 01 - MIS IN Business Today Reviewed by Anees ur Rehman on 23:32 Rating: 5

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